
Queens University Presentation

Canada’s Top University Virtual Presentation

Dear Parents and Students, now is the season when most major universities set up interactive virtual presentations for prospective students. Check the dates and plan to attend these very worthwhile events. Dan Bowyer, Toronto eSchool Principal. Virtual Presentation dates: McMaster University: Friday October 13, 2023 @9:00PM EST Queen’s University : Friday October 27, 2023 @8:30PM EST University of Ottawa: Friday November 10, 2023 @8:30PM EST Toronto Metropolitan University: Friday November 17, 2023 @8:30PM EST University of Toronto: TBC

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McMaster Application Workshop

McMaster University Online Information Workshop

McMaster University Online Information Workshop: Friday Oct 13, 2023 @9:00PM EST. Join us and engage with the admission recruiters from McMaster University. Meet with them online and ask one-on-one questions. All students and parents are welcome! 麦克马斯特大学申请招生官讲座: 中国北京时间10月14日周六早上9点 (多伦多时间10月13日周五晚9点) 公益讲堂邀请麦马招生官给大家分享2024年秋季入学招生介绍,录取要求,奖学金和宿舍申请等重要信息!,学生和家长有机会现场互动问答。多伦多在线高中欢迎学生和家长参加! 多伦多时间:2023/10/13周五晚9:00PM 中国时间:2023/10/14周六早上9:00AM Zoom 直播:654 495 8045, Passcode: 410957

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The Meeting for the Collaboration of OSSD CPU Program

What a productive meeting for the collaboration of OSSD CPU program! Here are some pictures with a group of institutions in Kuala Lumpur. Hope to have more students for the science and business pathways. Toronto eLearning School is Canada’s top online high school inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education and authorized to grant Ontario high school credits leading to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Already firmly established in North America, China and other Far Eastern countries, TES is looking…

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Online Learning OSSD

Ontario online learning credits are becoming a trend

About online School Online School, also known as e-School, offers secondary students an opportunity to take courses that are delivered entirely using the internet and do not require students to be physically present in the classroom, where classes are taught virtually when in-person learning is not possible (for example, on snow days or during other interruptions or emergencies ).   Benefits for students Flexibility: With online learning credits, students have the flexibility to work on their coursework on their own…

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Happy Lunar Year 2023

From all of us, here at Toronto eSchool and Toronto e-Learning School, we would like to wish our students, parents, teachers and business partners, a very happy, healthy, and prosperous year of the rabbit!  Principal Dan Bowyer 兔子象征复苏,繁荣,美好与团圆。玉兔迎春,春节来临之际,多伦多在线高中全体员工给大家拜年了!感恩和珍惜多年来一直关心,支持,信赖我们的学生,家长和合作伙伴,祝福所有朋友兔年吉祥,宏兔大展,前兔似锦! Vice Principal Rebecca Wang

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Top 6 Canadian Universities Virtual Presentation

Dear Parents and Students, now is the season when most major universities and colleges set up interactive virtual presentations for prospective students. Check the dates and plan to attend these very worthwhile events. Dan Bowyer, Toronto eLearning School Principal. Virtual Presentation dates: – McMaster University: Fri. November 11 @ 7:00PM EST – University of Toronto: Tue. November 15 @ 8:00PM EST – Western University: Fri. November 18 @ 8:00PM EST – Waterloo University: Tue. November 22 @ 5:30PM EST –…

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Online Learning Implementation Update

From: “FSB-Private Schools and International Education Unit (EDU)” Date: September 6, 2022 at 2:37:27 PM EDT Subject: Online Learning Implementation Update/Statut de la mise en œuvre de l’apprentissage en ligne   Memorandum to:           Principals of Inspected Private Schools Principals of First Nation/Federally Operated Schools Principals of Inspected International Schools From:                                 Julia Danos Executive Lead Education Reopening Secretariat Subject:                            Online Learning Implementation Update   In February 2022, the ministry issued the online learning graduation requirement as described in Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) 167. Ontario families and employers…

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Listen to what an Iran Student comments

  My name is Kasra in Iran. I enjoyed my study at Toronto eLearning School with the kind staff. I suggest studying at eLearning School for those International or Canadian students who want to earn the OSSD. I earned eight credits with Toronto eLearning School, got the Ontario Secondary School Diploma – OSSD, and got two university offers, and also got study visa to the Canadian University. Warm regards to Principal & Vice-Principal of Toronto eLearning School, Mr. Bowyer &…

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OSSD – Online Learning Graduation Requirement

From: “FSB-Private Schools and International Education Unit (EDU)” <> Date: February 1, 2022 at 4:44:50 PM EST Subject: Online Learning Graduation Requirement / Condition d’obtention du diplôme en matière d’apprentissage en ligne   Date:                           February 1, 2022 Memorandum to:       Principals of Inspected First Nation / Federally-operated Schools Principals of Inspected Private Schools Principals of Inspected International Schools From:                          Julia Danos Executive Lead Education Reopening Secretariat Subject                       Online Learning Graduation Requirement Ontario is committed to helping students develop digital literacy and other important transferable…

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What our Students Have to Say
Hadi-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hey, Rebecca, Thank you so much for your help. I don't think there is anyone in education who helped me more than you. 
I got the final confirmation email and finally got into McMaster thank you for all your help. 
I owe my success in university admission to you and Toronto eLearning School."
Hadi Khan, Life Science in McMaster University

Kasra-Toronto eLearning School OSSD student"My name is Kasra Zarbakhsh in Iran. I enjoyed my study at Toronto eLearnihng School with the kind staff. I suggest studying at eLearning School for those International or Canadian students who want to earn the OSSD.
I earned eight credits with eLearning School, got two university offers, and got an OSSD. 
Warm regards to Principal & Vice-Principal of Toronto eLearning School, Mr. Bowyer & Ms. Wang."
Kasra Zarbakhsh, Business Administration of Legal Studies in Trent University.

Naveen-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hello miss, I have got my marks. Thank you so much at the end.  you  helped me a lot with this course. Your feedbacks were very effective  to me. 
I got many experiences with this. I really appreciate your  kindness to refer my mails and reply them all and give feedbacks for  my resubmitted assignments as well. 
Lucky to have a teacher like you  miss. Thank you so much and wish your future works with my best."
Naveen Srimal Kandamulla, Medicine in Manipal Medical University

Zaid HasanI am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and guidance throughout my academic journey with eLearning School. 
Your dedication and expertise have been instrumental in my success in the course, and I cannot thank you enough for your invaluable contributions.
Thank you for being an exceptional educator at eLearning School and for making a positive impact on my life. I wish you continued success and fulfillment in your teaching career.
With utmost respect and gratitude, Zaid Hassan

Michael-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Dear Rebecca, Thank you very much for attaching Michael's OSSD and transcript.
Michael has received all his offers from Ryerson University, York University, University of Toronto and Mississauga, U of T.
We would also like to thank you for your wishes. We are very proud of Michael and his accomplishments! Thank you once again."

willianei-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Dear Rebecca, hope you are doing well.
I am taking this opportunity to thank you so much for the accompaniment, advise and the push done on Williane 's during her studies at Toronto eSchool. It was so benefic to her as now, she fitted very well into the University system... she started with 2 courses and has succeeded with a grade of B+ and A.... she promised to get A+ moving forward... at least, she started with good marks compared the way I was so so much worried about her performance. I have a confident she will be able to finish her studies withing the 4 academic years.
Again, find my sincere gratitude for the journey and support from your side; I will never forget about your advise, push, reminders, mails.... All to get Williane succeed her Grade 12. You are very professional and I m thank God I found a such professional and parent teacher. Remain blessed."
Honorine N., Procurement Manager, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


Toronto eLearning School

Toronto eLearning School is Canada’s premier online school for Ontario High School Credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The school BSID is 883367 assigned by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Ministry 2024-25 Inspection to confirm school’s authority to grant credits towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

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