Grade 10

Grade 10 Courses

To register, you will need to
(1) Create your account to Register ( If you already have an account, please go to step 2 )
(2) Login, and then choose your course
(3) Choose your payment method.

After you submit your account information, you will receive an email confirmation of registration and login/password. You will then be prompted for a payment option -PayPal, Visa or Mastercard.

ENG2D English 10                                                                       
ENG2D English Grade 10 is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Course Outline
MPM2D Principles of Mathematics 10
MPM2D enables students to broaden their understanding of relationships and extend their problem-solving and algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning. Course Outline
SNC2D Science 10
SNC2D – Science 10 enables students to enhance their understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics, and of the interrelationships between science, technology, society, and the environment. Course Outline
CHC2D Canadian History since World War One
CHC2D course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different groups in Canada since 1914. Course Outline
BBI2O Introduction to Business Grade 10
BBI2O course introduces students to the world of business, including accounting, marketing, information and communication technology, etc. Course Outline
AVI2O Visual Arts Grade 10
AVI2O course enables students to develop their skills in producing and presenting art by introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and experimentation. Course Outline
CHV2O Civics and Citizenship Grade 10
CHV2O – Civics Grade 10 explores rights and responsibilities associated with being an active citizen in a democratic society.  Course Outline
GLC2O Career Studies Grade 10
GLC2O – Career Studies Grade 10 teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, work and community involvement. Course Outline
Featured Courses
ENG4U English Grade 12


English Grade 12, University Preparation
MHF4U Advanced Functions 12


Advanced Function, University Preparation
MCV4U Calculus and Vectors


Calculus & Vectors, University Preparation
SPH4U Physics Grade 12


Physics Grade 12, University Preparation
What our Students Have to Say
Ran-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Thank you Toronto eLearning School! very good, very very good, very patient teachers that taught me tons of things!!! I mean seriously I search lots of different online schools with my best friend who named Claire but this one is the best of them all!!!! 
I finished 11 courses with eLearning School and have a great experience!!!
Dear Chinese parents, if you read this good review, don't hesitate, this online class is really good!
Ran Ju, Life Science in Western University

Hadi-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hey, Rebecca, Thank you so much for your help. I don't think there is anyone in education who helped me more than you. 
I got the final confirmation email and finally got into McMaster thank you for all your help. 
I owe my success in university admission to you and Toronto eLearning School."
Hadi Khan, Life Science in McMaster University

Kasra-Toronto eLearning School OSSD student"My name is Kasra Zarbakhsh in Iran. I enjoyed my study at Toronto eLearnihng School with the kind staff. I suggest studying at eLearning School for those International or Canadian students who want to earn the OSSD.
I earned eight credits with eLearning School, got two university offers, and got an OSSD. 
Warm regards to Principal & Vice-Principal of Toronto eLearning School, Mr. Bowyer & Ms. Wang."
Kasra Zarbakhsh, Business Administration of Legal Studies in Trent University.

Naveen-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hello miss, I have got my marks. Thank you so much at the end.  you  helped me a lot with this course. Your feedbacks were very effective  to me. 
I got many experiences with this. I really appreciate your  kindness to refer my mails and reply them all and give feedbacks for  my resubmitted assignments as well. 
Lucky to have a teacher like you  miss. Thank you so much and wish your future works with my best."
Naveen Srimal Kandamulla, Medicine in Manipal Medical University

Post-Secondary Partners

Toronto eLearning School

Toronto eLearning School is Canada’s premier online school for Ontario High School Credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The school BSID is 883367 assigned by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Read the Ministry of Education Inspection Report 2022-2023.

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    Toronto, ON  M3B 0A2  Canada
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    Tel: +60123989970, +16137773805