OSSLT Literacy Test

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test – OSSLT

Students are required to meet the provincial literacy requirement in order to earn an OSSD–Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Successful completion of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test–OSSLT will satisfy this requirement.

The literacy graduation requirement has been restored beginning with students graduating in the 2022–2023 school year. Students graduating in 2022–2023 are required to meet the literacy graduation requirement. All students in Grades 10 and 11 and non-graduating students, including those who are learning remotely, must also work toward the literacy graduation requirement by participating in the OSSLT or completing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC).

To provide maximum flexibility for students to acquire the literacy graduation requirement, particularly for students enrolled in remote learning, students can be enrolled in the OSSLC without having attempted the OSSLT in 2022–2023. As of the 2022–2023 school year, the eligibility criteria for the adjudication process for the literacy graduation requirement will revert to the policy outlined in Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016 (pp. 65–66).

The administration of the OSSLT will take place from

  • Wednesday, March 1, to Wednesday, April 26, 2023, with individual student results reported by mid-June 2023.

For more information, please go to official website https://www.eqao.com/the-assessments/osslt/

Students who have been eligible to write the OSSLT at least twice, and were unsuccessful at least once, are eligible to take the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course–OLC4O to fulfill the literacy requirement.


Where to write OSSLT

We organize the OSSLT test administration every year for students whose Ontario Student Record (OSR) is held at Toronto eLearning School. The test can be written at TES Campus in Toronto. Students may also write the test at an alternative location in our affiliated partners’ office outside of Canada. The test must be supervised by a suitable official who satisfies the requirements outlined by EQAO.

The fee for writing the OSSLT test at TES Office is $200. The fee for writing the test at an alternative location is $399.

Please contact guidance@torontoelearningschool.com with any inquiries regarding the OSSLT.

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What our Students Have to Say
Ran-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Thank you Toronto eLearning School! very good, very very good, very patient teachers that taught me tons of things!!! I mean seriously I search lots of different online schools with my best friend who named Claire but this one is the best of them all!!!! 
I finished 11 courses with eLearning School and have a great experience!!!
Dear Chinese parents, if you read this good review, don't hesitate, this online class is really good!
Ran Ju, Life Science in Western University

Hadi-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hey, Rebecca, Thank you so much for your help. I don't think there is anyone in education who helped me more than you. 
I got the final confirmation email and finally got into McMaster thank you for all your help. 
I owe my success in university admission to you and Toronto eLearning School."
Hadi Khan, Life Science in McMaster University

Kasra-Toronto eLearning School OSSD student"My name is Kasra Zarbakhsh in Iran. I enjoyed my study at Toronto eLearnihng School with the kind staff. I suggest studying at eLearning School for those International or Canadian students who want to earn the OSSD.
I earned eight credits with eLearning School, got two university offers, and got an OSSD. 
Warm regards to Principal & Vice-Principal of Toronto eLearning School, Mr. Bowyer & Ms. Wang."
Kasra Zarbakhsh, Business Administration of Legal Studies in Trent University.

Naveen-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hello miss, I have got my marks. Thank you so much at the end.  you  helped me a lot with this course. Your feedbacks were very effective  to me. 
I got many experiences with this. I really appreciate your  kindness to refer my mails and reply them all and give feedbacks for  my resubmitted assignments as well. 
Lucky to have a teacher like you  miss. Thank you so much and wish your future works with my best."
Naveen Srimal Kandamulla, Medicine in Manipal Medical University

Post-Secondary Partners

Toronto eLearning School

Toronto eLearning School is Canada’s premier online school for Ontario High School Credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The school BSID is 883367 assigned by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Read the Ministry of Education Inspection Report 2022-2023.

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