Final Exams

Final Exams – Online High School Courses

Most courses require students to write a closed-book final exam at the end of each course. This online exam must be written in the presence of an approved proctor, who meets with a student to witness the final exam being written in the right procedures. The date, time, place, and proctor for a student’s final exam are selected by the student but must be approved by the Toronto eLearning School Administrator.

Students must complete and submit both the Proctor Approval Application and the Proctor Agreement form at least 5 business days prior to the intended final exam date. All courses assignment must be submitted before the exam. Teachers will give a zero for assignments not handed in prior to the exam. Students rescheduling their exam will be charged a $50 rescheduling fee, payable before the rescheduling date.

The selected Proctor must be approved by TES before their exam date can be finalized. Examinations must take place in a professional environment, they may not be held at a private residence. Acceptable proctors require a work email address and may be asked to produce a copy of their diploma or certificate of qualification or practicing license in order to validate an exam application.

Acceptable proctors include Ontario Certified Teacher, lawyer, registered family physician, registered nurse, government social worker, registered psychologist and professional registered counsellor. Relatives, supervisors without a professional email address and hired tutors will not be approved to proctor a student exam. The approved proctor is sent a password that is to be entered at the time of the exam allowing the student access. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process.

To book a final exam, Please contact our exam administrator at

Featured Courses
ENG4U English Grade 12


English Grade 12, University Preparation
MHF4U Advanced Functions 12


Advanced Function, University Preparation
MCV4U Calculus and Vectors


Calculus & Vectors, University Preparation
SPH4U Physics Grade 12


Physics Grade 12, University Preparation
What our Students Have to Say
Hadi-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hey, Rebecca, Thank you so much for your help. I don't think there is anyone in education who helped me more than you. 
I got the final confirmation email and finally got into McMaster thank you for all your help. 
I owe my success in university admission to you and Toronto eLearning School."
Hadi Khan, Life Science in McMaster University

Kasra-Toronto eLearning School OSSD student"My name is Kasra Zarbakhsh in Iran. I enjoyed my study at Toronto eLearnihng School with the kind staff. I suggest studying at eLearning School for those International or Canadian students who want to earn the OSSD.
I earned eight credits with eLearning School, got two university offers, and got an OSSD. 
Warm regards to Principal & Vice-Principal of Toronto eLearning School, Mr. Bowyer & Ms. Wang."
Kasra Zarbakhsh, Business Administration of Legal Studies in Trent University.

Naveen-OSSD Student Toronto eLearning School"Hello miss, I have got my marks. Thank you so much at the end.  you  helped me a lot with this course. Your feedbacks were very effective  to me. 
I got many experiences with this. I really appreciate your  kindness to refer my mails and reply them all and give feedbacks for  my resubmitted assignments as well. 
Lucky to have a teacher like you  miss. Thank you so much and wish your future works with my best."
Naveen Srimal Kandamulla, Medicine in Manipal Medical University

Zaid HasanI am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and guidance throughout my academic journey with eLearning School. 
Your dedication and expertise have been instrumental in my success in the course, and I cannot thank you enough for your invaluable contributions.
Thank you for being an exceptional educator at eLearning School and for making a positive impact on my life. I wish you continued success and fulfillment in your teaching career.
With utmost respect and gratitude, Zaid Hassan


Toronto eLearning School

Toronto eLearning School is Canada’s premier online school for Ontario High School Credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The school BSID is 883367 assigned by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Read the Ministry of Education Inspection Report 2022-2023.

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    Toronto, ON  M3B 0A2  Canada
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    Tel: +60123989970, +16137773805