Student Records
There are four important documents that students should be aware of throughout the time in Secondary High School.
- Ontario Secondary School Report Cards
Every student receives a midterm report and a final report in each course they take. - The Ontario Student Transcript (OST)
Every student has an ongoing transcript that records their progress towards earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. - The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
Each student who successfully meets the requirements will receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. - The Ontario Student Record (OSR)
Every student has an Ontario Student Record that contains all relevant documentation from their elementary and high school education.
Report Card
Toronto eLearning School issues an official Midterm Report Card when a student reaches the halfway point of a course and an official Final Report Card upon course completion. One copy will be sent directly to the school holding the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR) to be added to the record and to the Ontario Student Transcript (OST). The student will also receive a hard copy by mail.
The report card provides a record of the student’s achievement of the curriculum expectations in every course, in the form of a percentage grade. A final grade is recorded for every course, and a credit is granted and recorded for every course in which the student’s grade is 50% or higher.
The final grade for each course in Grades 9-12 will be determined as follows:
- 70% of the grade will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration should be given to more recent evidence of achievement.
- 30% of the grade will be based on a final evaluation in the form of an examination and or performance essay and/or other method of evaluation suitable to the course content and administered towards the end of the course.
While all curriculum expectations must be accounted for in instruction and assessment, the evaluation focuses on students’ achievement of the overall expectations. A student’s achievement of the overall expectation is evaluated on the basis of their achievement of related specific expectations. Teachers will use their professional judgment to determine which specific expectations should be used to evaluate achievement of the overall expectations. Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three difference sources; observations, conversations and student products. Evaluation is the responsibility of the teacher and does not include the judgment of the student’s peers.
The report card provides a record of the learning skills demonstrated by the student in every course, in the following five categories: Works Independently, Teamwork, Organization, Work Habits, and Initiative. The learning skills are evaluated using a four-point scale: E = Excellent G = Good S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement.
The Ontario Student Transcript (OST)

The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is an official document issued by public, Catholic, and Ministry-inspected private schools in Ontario, as well as Online High Schools who authorized to grant Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) credits. The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is a comprehensive record of all coursework and diploma requirements achieved by a student. An OST must be established for each student enrolled in an Ontario secondary school course.
Toronto eLearning School will be responsible for keeping the OST updated, either in print or electronic form, for any student whose OSR resides with TES. Upon the student’s graduation or retirement, a current and accurate copy of the student’s OST must be stored in the OSR folder.
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is the primary goal of high school students in Ontario. Toronto eLearning School will issue the OSSD to students who take all of their courses with TES or to those who have completed courses at other schools but have successfully completed their final two or more credits with Toronto eLearning School. The OSSD issued by Toronto eLearning School is recognized by colleges and universities around the world.
The Ontario Student Record (OSR)
The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is the official school record for a student registered in a school in Ontario. Every Ontario school keeps an OSR for each student enrolled at that school. The OSR contains achievement results, credits earned and diploma requirements completed, and other information important to the education of the student. These records are protected by the Education Act and Freedom of Information legislation. If the student is currently attending another school – public or private – and is simply taking a single course from the TES, then that student’s OSR will reside at the school where the student is attending. Where students registered in a publicly funded secondary school, earn a credit or credits with TES, the principal of the publicly funded secondary school is responsible for ensuring that the TES credit is recorded on the student’s OST.
Toronto eLearning School establishes or obtains the student OSR containing the OST, only if the student becomes the sole responsibility of Toronto eLearning School.
If a student is also currently attending or has graduated from another school granting OSSD credits, that student’s OSR may continue to reside at the home school. When a student completes a course, Toronto eLearning School will send an official copy of the final report card directly to the home school, where the credit will be added to the student’s Ontario Student Transcript. If Toronto eLearning School is a student’s main school of registration or a student does not have an existing OSR, TES may need to contact the student to facilitate the creation or acquisition of these records. The OSR contains:
- an OSR folder in Form 1A or Form 1
- report cards
- an Ontario Student Transcript, where applicable
- a documentation file, where applicable
- an office index card
- additional information identified as being conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student
Personal information in the OSR is maintained for at least one year after use. Report cards and documentation files are maintained for five years after use. The OSR folder containing the OST and the Office Index Card will be maintained for fifty-five years after a student retires.
Requesting an Existing OSR
While Toronto eLearning School determines to request a student’s existing OSR from his or her home school, the following steps will occur:
- The student, or parent/guardian will sign OSR Transfer Consent Form and email back to TES.
- Toronto eLearning School will request in written that the school transfer the student’s OSR to TES
- The former school will send the student’s OSR by courier to TES.
Toronto eLearning School will be responsible for requesting and receiving the OSR, reviewing the documents in the OSR, and maintaining up-to-date records within the OSR, including the Ontario Student Transcript.
Establishing a New OSR
While Toronto eLearning School determines that a new OSR must be created for a student, We will
- issue an Ontario Education Number (OEN) to that student.
- make a credit equivalency transfer (PLAR) for that student.
- create an OSR for the student.